Health & Safety policy statement 2024
(Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974)
This is the Health and Safety Policy of Ten Thousand Hours Limited.
Our statement of general policy is:
To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
To consult with Ten Thousand Hours employees and contractors on matters affecting their health and safety;
To provide and maintain safe equipment where necessary;
To ensure safe handling and use of substances where necessary;
To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and contractors;
To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to provide adequate training and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
To ensure all contractors are competent to do their tasks and to ensure contractors have undertaken adequate training and provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Overall and final responsibility for health & safety is that of Dom Garner, Executive Producer.
All employees/contractors have to:
Co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters;
Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety; and
Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy document).
Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities
Dom Garner or appointed Safety Consultant will undertake risk assessments.
The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to Dom Garner.
Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by Dom Garner.
Dom Garner will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.
Dom Garner will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks.
Assessments will be reviewed each year or when the work activities change, whichever is soonest.
Safe equipment
Dom Garner will be responsible for identifying all equipment needing maintenance.
Dom Garner will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up.
Dom Garner will be responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented.
Safe handling and use of substances
Dom Garner will be responsible for identifying all substances that need a COSHH certificate, undertaking COSHH assessments and ensuring all actions identified in the assessments are implemented.
Information, instruction & supervision
The Health & Safety Law poster is displayed at Boathouse 6, College Road, HM Naval Base Portsmouth.
Dom Garner is responsible for ensuring that employees working at locations under the control of other employees are given relevant health and safety information.
Competency for tasks and training
Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by Dom Garner.
Ten Thousand Hours’ contractors will be selected to carry out tasks based upon their own competency and being ‘fit for purpose’. This will be monitored through contractors’ own risk assessments and health and safety policies.
Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
Health surveillance is required for all employees and contractors in all aspects of Ten Thousand Hours work, be it office based or whilst working onsite.
The first aid box is located in Ten Thousand Hours office (or identified office space whilst working onsite). The nominated first aid person is Dom Garner.
All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be kept recorded in the accident book. The book is kept in Ten Thousand Hours office and where necessary, with the project manager whilst on site.
To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will:
At regular intervals of no more than 12 months carry out spot checks;
Consult with employees and contractors about their own experiences;
Investigate any occurrences of accidents or ill health.
Dom Garner will be responsible for investigating any accidents and causes of work-related ill health
and sickness absences.
Dom Garner is responsible for acting on any investigation findings to prevent any recurrence.
This policy has been written in accordance to guidelines as set out in Health & Safety Executive (HSE) publication ‘An Introduction to Health & Safety – Health & Safety in small businesses.